System Health Examples

Listing of devices affected by FN44

let fixed = `*:/Sysdb/hardware/entmib/fixedSystem`
let chassis = `*:/Sysdb/hardware/entmib/chassis/cardSlot/*/card`
let result = newDict()

for deviceKey, deviceValue in fixed{
    let fx_temp = merge(deviceValue)
    if dictHasKey(fx_temp , "firmwareRev") && fx_temp["firmwareRev"] != ""{
        result[deviceKey] = newDict() | setFields("Aboot version", fx_temp["firmwareRev"])

for deviceKey, deviceValue in chassis {
    let cx_tmp = chassis[deviceKey] | map(merge(_value))
    for card in cx_tmp{
        if dictHasKey(card, "firmwareRev") && card["firmwareRev"] != "" {
            result[deviceKey] = newDict() | setFields("Aboot version", card["firmwareRev"])


let re = "Aboot-norcal\d+-(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+).*"

for deviceKey, deviceValue in result{
    let aboot =  reFindCaptures(deviceValue["Aboot version"], re)
    if length(aboot) > 0 {

        if num(aboot[0][1]) == 4 {
            if num(aboot[0][2]) == 0 && num(aboot[0][3]) < 7  {
                result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "🔥 True"
            if num(aboot[0][2]) == 1 && num(aboot[0][3]) < 1 {
                result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "🔥 True"
        if num(aboot[0][1]) == 6 {
            if num(aboot[0][2]) == 0 && num(aboot[0][3]) < 9  {
                result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "🔥 True"
            if num(aboot[0][2]) == 1 && num(aboot[0][3]) < 7 {
                result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "🔥 True"
            } else {
                result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "✅ False"
        } else {
            result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "✅ False"

    } else {
        result[deviceKey]["affected"] = "✅ False"

Listing of devices affected by FN44

Download the Dashboard JSON here

EoL Planning

let inventory = `analytics:/DatasetInfo/Devices`
let hardware = merge(`analytics:/lifecycles/hardware`)
let softwareLife = merge(`analytics:/lifecycles/software`)
let software = merge(`analytics:/lifecycles/devices/software`)
let skus = merge(`analytics:/BugAlerts/skus`)

let filteredSkus = newDict()
for key, val in skus {
    if  strContains(key, "DCS-") {
        filteredSkus[key] = newDict()
        let relNum = ""
        if str(val["releaseDeprecated"]) != "[]" {
            let deprecatedReleaseNum = strSplit(str(val["releaseDeprecated"]),",")[0]
            let deprecatedReleaseNum = strReplace(deprecatedReleaseNum, "[","")
            let deprecatedReleaseNum = strReplace(deprecatedReleaseNum, "]","")
            let deprecatedReleaseNum = strReplace(deprecatedReleaseNum, "\"","")
            let deprecatedReleaseNum = strSplit(deprecatedReleaseNum,".")
            let relNum = deprecatedReleaseNum[0]+"."+str(num(deprecatedReleaseNum[1])-1)
        filteredSkus[key]["releaseDeprecated"] = relNum
let inv = newDict()
for deviceUpdate, device in inventory {
    for deviceSN, deviceData in device {
        inv[deviceSN] = newDict()
        inv[deviceSN]["Hostname"] = deviceData["hostname"]
        inv[deviceSN]["ModelName"] = deviceData["modelName"]
        inv[deviceSN]["Version"] = deviceData["eosVersion"]
        inv[deviceSN]["TerminAttr"] = deviceData["terminAttrVersion"]
        for hw, hwEol in hardware {
            if  deviceData["modelName"] == hw {
                inv[deviceSN]["Hardware EndOfSale"] = hwEol["endOfSale"]
                inv[deviceSN]["Hardware EndOfTACSupport"] = hwEol["endOfTACSupport"]
                inv[deviceSN]["Hardware EndOfRMARequests"] = hwEol["endOfHardwareRMARequests"]
                inv[deviceSN]["Hardware EndOfLife"] = hwEol["endOfLife"]
        for switch, switchEol in software {
            if  switch == deviceSN {
                inv[deviceSN]["Current Software EndOfLife"] = switchEol["endOfSupport"]
        for skuKey, skuVal in filteredSkus {
            if  strContains(skuKey, deviceData["modelName"]) {
                inv[deviceSN]["Last Supported Software Train"] = skuVal["releaseDeprecated"]
        for sw, swEol in softwareLife {
            if  dictHasKey(inv[deviceSN],"Last Supported Software Train") && sw == inv[deviceSN]["Last Supported Software Train"] {
                inv[deviceSN]["Last Supported Software Train EndOfLife"] = swEol["endOfSupport"]
EoL Planning

Download the Dashboard JSON here

Listing of devices affected by FN72

let inventory = merge(`analytics:/DatasetInfo/Devices`)
let affected = newDict()
let id = 1
for dkey, dval in inventory{

    let serial_slice = strCut(dkey,3,7)
    let model = dval["modelName"]
    let hostname = dval["hostname"]
    if strContains(model, "7280SR3-48YC8"){
        if strHasPrefix(dkey, "JPE"){
            if num(serial_slice) < 2131{
                affected[id] = newDict()
                affected[id]["Hostname"] = hostname
                affected[id]["Serial Number"] = dkey
                affected[id]["Model"] = model
        if strHasPrefix(dkey,"JAS"){
            if num(serial_slice) < 2041{
                affected[id] = newDict()
                affected[id]["Hostname"] = hostname
                affected[id]["Serial Number"] = dkey
                affected[id]["Model"] = model
        let id = id + 1
    if strContains(model, "7280SR3K-48YC8"){
        if strHasPrefix(dkey, "JPE"){
            if num(serial_slice) < 2134{
                affected[id] = newDict()
                affected[id]["Hostname"] = hostname
                affected[id]["Serial Number"] = dkey
                affected[id]["Model"] = model
        if strHasPrefix(dkey, "JAS"){
            if num(serial_slice) < 2041{
                affected[id] = newDict()
                affected[id]["Hostname"] = hostname
                affected[id]["Serial Number"] = dkey
                affected[id]["Model"] = model
        let id = id + 1

Listing of devices affected by FN72

Download the Dashboard JSON here

Hardware Health Check

Power Supply Status per Device

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesSwitchLabel = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/<_SWITCH_ROLE>/elements`)

let powerSupply = `*:/Sysdb/environment/archer/power/status/powerSupply/*`
let filteredPsuStats = powerSupply | where(dictHasKey(powerSupply, _key) == true) | recmap(2, (merge(_value)["state"]["Name"]))

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" && str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
    let result = filteredPsuStats
} else {
    if str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
        let result = filteredPsuStats | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
    } else {
        if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
            let result = filteredPsuStats | where(dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
        } else {
            let result = filteredPsuStats | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))

for deviceKey, deviceValue  in result{
    for powerSupplyKey, powerSupplyValue in deviceValue{
        if powerSupplyValue=="ok"{
        } else{

Fan Status per Device

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesSwitchLabel = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/<_SWITCH_ROLE>/elements`)

let fans = `*:/Sysdb/environment/archer/cooling/status/*`
let fansHwStatus = fans | where(dictHasKey(fans, _key) == true) | recmap(2, (merge(_value)["hwStatus"]["Name"]))

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" && str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
    let result = fansHwStatus
} else {
    if str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
        let result = fansHwStatus | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
    } else {
        if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
            let result = fansHwStatus | where(dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
        } else {
            let result = fansHwStatus | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))

for deviceKey, deviceValue  in result{
    for fansKey, fansValue in deviceValue{
        if fansValue=="ok"{
        } else{

Temperature Sensors per Device

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesSwitchLabel = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/<_SWITCH_ROLE>/elements`)

let temperature = `*:/Sysdb/environment/archer/temperature/status/cell/1/*`
let filteredTemperatureStats = temperature | where(dictHasKey(temperature, _key) == true) | recmap(2, (merge(_value)["alertRaised"]))

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" && str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
    let result = filteredTemperatureStats
} else {
    if str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
        let result = filteredTemperatureStats | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
    } else {
        if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
            let result = filteredTemperatureStats | where(dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
        } else {
            let result = filteredTemperatureStats | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))

for deviceKey, deviceValue  in result{
    for sensorKey, sensorValue in deviceValue{
        if sensorValue==false{
        } else{
Hardware Health Check

Download the Dashboard JSON here

Important Pod Count

Number of Leaf Switches

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesInCPOD1 = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/CPOD1/elements`)

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
    let leafs = length(devicesInCPOD1) - 2
} else {
    let leafs = length(devices) - 2


Number of VTEPs

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesInCPOD1 = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/CPOD1/elements`)

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
    let vteps = (length(devicesInCPOD1) - 2 ) / 2
} else {
    if strContains(str(_POD_NAME), "SPOD") {
        let vteps = ((length(devices) - 3) / 2)+1
    } else {
    let vteps = (length(devices) - 2) / 2


Total VLAN Count

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesInCPOD1 = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/CPOD1/elements`)

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
    let vlanConfig = `*:/Sysdb/bridging/config/vlanConfig` | where(dictHasKey(devicesInCPOD1, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value))
} else {
    let vlanConfig = `*:/Sysdb/bridging/config/vlanConfig` | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value))

let numberVlan = newDict()

for deviceKey, deviceValue in vlanConfig {
    for vlanKey, vlanValue in deviceValue{
        numberVlan[vlanKey["value"]] = 1


Max Size of the Floodlist

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesInCPOD1 = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/CPOD1/elements`)

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
    let vteps = (length(devicesCPOD1) -2) / 2
    let vlanConfig = `*:/Sysdb/bridging/config/vlanConfig` | where(dictHasKey(devicesInCPOD1, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value))
} else {
    if strContains(str(_POD_NAME), "SPOD") {
        let vteps = ((length(devices) - 3) / 2)+1
        let vlanConfig = `*:/Sysdb/bridging/config/vlanConfig` | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value))
    } else {
    let vteps = (length(devices) -2) / 2
    let vlanConfig = `*:/Sysdb/bridging/config/vlanConfig` | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value))

let numberVlan = newDict()

for deviceKey, deviceValue in vlanConfig {
    for vlanKey, vlanValue in deviceValue{
        numberVlan[vlanKey["value"]] = 1

let vlans = length(numberVlan)


Download the Dashboard JSON here

NTP Stats

let ntpData = `*:/NTP/status/system/variables` | map(merge(_value))
let output = newDict()
for devID,devData in ntpData{
    output[devID] = newDict()
    output[devID]["peer"]= devData["refid"]
NTP Stats

Download the Dashboard JSON here

PowerSupply Output

let powerSupply = `analytics:/Devices/*/versioned-data/environment/power/aggregate/*/out/15m`[48h]
let result = newDict()
for key, value in _device{

    if dictHasKey(powerSupply,key) {
         for psk,psv in powerSupply[key]{
             result[key+"-"+psk] = powerSupply[key][psk] | field("value") | field("avg")
PowerSupply Output

Download the Dashboard JSON here

System Health Check

CPU Utilization in the Fabric

let data =`analytics:/Devices/*/versioned-data/hardware/disk/\/mnt\/flash`
let data = data | map(merge(_value) | fields("usedPartitionPercent"))

let test = 0
let i60 = 0
let b6080 = 0
let s80 = 0

for device, deviceData in data {
    if dictHasKey(deviceData, "usedPartitionPercent") {
        let test = deviceData["usedPartitionPercent"]
        if test < 60 {
            let i60=i60+1
        if test < 80 && test > 60 {
            let b6080=b6080+1
        if test > 80 {
            let s80=s80+1

let usageDict = newDict()

usageDict["Disk < 60%"] = i60
usageDict["60% < Disk < 80%"] = b6080
usageDict["Disk > 80%"] = s80


Memory Usage in the Fabric

let data =`analytics:/Devices/*/versioned-data/hardware/meminfo/memoryUsage`
let data = data | map(merge(_value) | fields("usedMemoryPercent"))

let test = 0
let i60 = 0
let b6070 = 0
let s70 = 0

for device, deviceData in data {
    if dictHasKey(deviceData, "usedMemoryPercent") {
        let test = deviceData["usedMemoryPercent"]
        if test < 70 {
            let i60=i60+1
        if test < 80 && test > 70 {
            let b6070=b6070+1
        if test > 70 {
            let s70=s70+1

let usageDict = newDict()

usageDict["Memory < 60%"] = i60
usageDict["60% < Memory < 70%"] = b6070
usageDict["Memory > 70%"] = s70


/mnt/flash usage

let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_POD_NAME>/elements`)
let devicesSwitchLabel = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/<_SWITCH_ROLE>/elements`)

let deviceDisks = `analytics:/Devices/*/versioned-data/hardware/disk/\/mnt\/flash`

if str(_POD_NAME) == "" && str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
    let data = deviceDisks
} else {
    if str(_SWITCH_ROLE) == "" {
        let data = deviceDisks | where(strContains(str(devices), _key))
    } else {
        if str(_POD_NAME) == "" {
            let data = deviceDisks | where(dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))
        } else {
            let data = deviceDisks | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(devicesSwitchLabel, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))

data | map(merge(_value) | fields("usedPartitionPercent"))
system_health_check1 system_health_check2

Download the Dashboard JSON here

TCAM Capacity

7280R2 Switches

# Get the devices that have the egw (EVPN gateway) tag
let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/egw/elements`)

# Get the L3 hardware capacity for all devices
let hwCapL3 =`*:/Sysdb/hardware/capacity/status/l3/entry`

# Get the devices that are part of a specific pod
let podDeviceList = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_pod_name>/elements`)

# If the POD_NAME variable is not set (none) show the utilization for all pods
if str(_pod_name) == "" {
    let filteredHwCapL3 = hwCapL3 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )
} else {
    let filteredHwCapL3 = hwCapL3 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(podDeviceList, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )
for deviceKey, deviceValue in filteredHwCapL3{
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["MAC"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"LEM\", \"feature\": \"MAC\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"LEM\", \"feature\": \"MAC\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["FEC Routing"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"FEC\", \"feature\": \"Routing\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"FEC\", \"feature\": \"Routing\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Routing1"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource1\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource1\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Routing2"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource2\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource2\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Routing3"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource3\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource3\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
filteredHwCapL3 | map(_value | fields("MAC","FEC Routing", "Routing1", "Routing2", "Routing3"))

7050X3 Switches

# Get the devices that have the `hdl` (high-density leaf) tag
let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/hdl/elements`)

# Get the L3 hardware capacity for all devices
let hwCapL3 =`*:/Sysdb/hardware/capacity/status/l3/entry`

# Get the L2 hardware capacity for all devices
let hwCapL2 =`*:/Sysdb/hardware/capacity/status/l2/entry`

# Get the devices that are part of a specific pod
let podDeviceList = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_pod_name>/elements`)

# If the POD_NAME variable is not set (none) show the utilization for all pods
if str(_pod_name) == "" {
    let filteredHwCapL3 = hwCapL3 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )
    let filteredHwCapL2 = hwCapL2 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )
} else {
    let filteredHwCapL3 = hwCapL3 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(podDeviceList, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )
    let filteredHwCapL2 = hwCapL2 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(podDeviceList, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )

# Build a new table with MAC, HOST, LPM and NextHop utilization
for deviceKey, deviceValue in filteredHwCapL3{
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Host Percent"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"Host\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"Host\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["LPM Percent"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"LPM\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"LPM\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["NextHop Percent"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"NextHop\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"NextHop\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["MAC Percent"] = filteredHwCapL2[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Linecard0/0\", \"table\":\"MAC\", \"feature\": \"L2\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL2[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Linecard0/0\", \"table\":\"MAC\", \"feature\": \"L2\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
filteredHwCapL3 | map(_value | fields("MAC Percent","Host Percent", "LPM Percent", "NextHop Percent"))

7020R Switches

# Get the devices that have the `ldl` (low-density leaf) tag
let devices = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/switch_role/value/ldl/elements`)

# Get the L3 hardware capacity for all devices
let hwCapL3 =`*:/Sysdb/hardware/capacity/status/l3/entry`

# Get the multicast hardware capacity for all devices
let hwCapMcast = `*:/Sysdb/hardware/capacity/status/mcast/entry`

# Get the devices that are part of a specific pod
let podDeviceList = merge(`analytics:/tags/labels/devices/pod_name/value/<_pod_name>/elements`)
let filteredHwCapL3 = hwCapL3 | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(podDeviceList, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")))| map(merge(_value) )
let filteredHwCapMcast = hwCapMcast | where(dictHasKey(devices, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}")) && dictHasKey(podDeviceList, complexKey("{\"deviceID\": \""+_key+"\"}"))) | map(merge(_value) )

# Build a new table with MAC, MCDB, FEC Routing, Routing1, Routing2 and Routing3 utilization
for deviceKey, deviceValue in filteredHwCapL3{
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["MAC"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"LEM\", \"feature\": \"MAC\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"LEM\", \"feature\": \"MAC\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["FEC Routing"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"FEC\", \"feature\": \"Routing\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"\", \"table\":\"FEC\", \"feature\": \"Routing\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Routing1"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource1\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource1\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Routing2"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource2\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource2\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["Routing3"] = filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource3\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho\", \"table\":\"Routing\", \"feature\": \"Resource3\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100
    filteredHwCapL3[deviceKey]["MCDB"] = filteredHwCapMcast[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho0\", \"table\":\"MCDB\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["used"] / filteredHwCapMcast[deviceKey][complexKey("{\"chip\": \"Jericho0\", \"table\":\"MCDB\", \"feature\": \"\"}")]["maxLimit"]*100

filteredHwCapL3 | map(_value | fields("MAC","MCDB","FEC Routing", "Routing1", "Routing2", "Routing3"))
TCAM Capacity

Download the Dashboard JSON here

Listing Devices that have a file in /var/core

> Useful to understand if there were any agent crashes on EOS

let devices = `analytics:/Devices/*/versioned-data/Device` | map(merge(_value)["hostname"])
let result = newDict()
let deviceDiskStats = `*:/Kernel/vfs/stat/\/var\/core` | map(merge(_value))
let deviceDiskStats = deviceDiskStats | where(dictHasKey(_value, "blocks") && dictHasKey(_value, "bfree") && _value["blocks"] != _value["bfree"])
for device, diskStat in deviceDiskStats {
    result[devices[device]] = newDict() | setFields("value", true)
varcore files

Download the Dashboard JSON here

List the serial numbers for all transceivers

let xcvrStatus = `*:/Sysdb/hardware/archer/xcvr/status/all/*`
let filteredXcvrStat = xcvrStatus | map(_value | mapne(_value, _value | field("vendorInfo") | field("vendorSn")))
filteredXcvrStat | map(_value | mapne(_value, _value[0]))
List the serial numbers for all transceivers

Download the Dashboard JSON here

List the transceiver serial numbers that match the input regex

let data = `*:/Sysdb/hardware/archer/xcvr/status/all/*`
let xcvrStatus = data | map(_value | mapne(_value, _value | field("vendorInfo") | field("vendorSn")))
let xcvrStatus = xcvrStatus | map(_value | mapne(_value[0], _value))

xcvrStatus | map(_value | where(reMatch(_value, _regexInput))) | where(length(_value) > 0)
List the transceiver serial numbers that match the input regex

Download the Dashboard JSON here