IGMP Snooping Table


IGMP Snooping states are not streamed by default and the “/Sysdb/bridging/igmpsnooping” needs to be added to the TerminAttr include list using the tastreaming.TerminattrStreaming service API. Examples can be found on Examples

let igmpSnooping = `<_device>:/Sysdb/bridging/igmpsnooping/forwarding/status/vlanStatus/*/ethGroup/*/intf`
let filteredIgmpSnooping = igmpSnooping | recmap(2, merge(_value))
let result = newDict()
for vlanKey, macAddrIntf in filteredIgmpSnooping {
    for macAddr, intfState in macAddrIntf {
        # Create a list of interfaces a vlan is mapped to
        let interfaceList = ""
        if length(intfState) > 1{
            for interface, intfBool in intfState {
                let interfaceList = interfaceList + str(interface) + ", "
        } else {
            # if there is only 1 interface no need to add a comma
            let interfaceList = str(dictKeys(intfState)[0])
        let vlan = reFindCaptures(str(vlanKey), "{\"value\":(\d+)}")[0][1]
        result[macAddr] = newDict() | setFields("VLAN", vlan, "Members", interfaceList)
IGMP Snooping Table

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